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Our Minimum Criteria for - Become a Dealer

# Facility Min requirement
1 Showroom and back office Display Area/showroom -min.900 SqFt,carpet area including Back office-min.200 SqFt & Dealer Cabin-min. 100 SqFt, Utility area-min.100 SqFt,Minimum frontage shall not be less than 15ft. With good visibility.Min. Front Road width 12 m.
2 Workshop Area /service area Min.300 to 500 SqFt within 3 Km from showroom
3 Stock area Min 1000 SqFt covered in the territory
4 Franchise fees Rs. 500000
5 Showroom interior & setup cost Rs. 1200/SqFt
6 Work shop equipment cost( equipment will be provided by Sniper Electric |) Rs.300000/-
7 Manpower (Sniper Electric | will train the personnel)
  1. 1. Sales
  2. 2.Service
  3. 3.Security
  4. 4.House keeping

  1. 3 persons m/f
  2. 2 qualifies persons
  3. 1
  4. 1
8 Computer, printer, internet, telephone 1 each
9 Marketing ATL Marketing to be done by Sniper Electric |, BTL wherein if the dealer wants to boost the sales he can do the marketing at its own. Soft copy of deliverables to be provided by Sniper Electric |.Dealer shall inform the Sniper Electric | before making any advertisement
10 Uniform/Id.Card/behaviour/ethics All the people in the dealership & workshop shall were the uniform & Id card prescribed/designed by Sniper Electric | & follow the SOP provided by Sniper Electric | Soft skills training
11 Min stock Dealer shall keep the min. Stock of 25 two wheeler combine
12 Min sale Target/separately mail Dealer shall ensure to sell min 50 units a month.
13 Incentive Incentives are pre declaired by Sniper Electric | time to time
14 Software The dealer must work in company provided software & ERP.

Dealer Form
